Chen Ri Xing 舒筋活络油超级止痛 38ml
主要成分: 樟脑、冬青油、薄荷脑、松节油、橄榄油。
功能主治: 祛风、肿痛、跌打、头痛、腰痛、肚痛、筋络。
用法用量: 每日宜用药油数滴,搽上患处3-6次,用指尖在患处最酸痛的部分,进行适当的按摩、指压、推拿、揉按15-20分钟,力度先轻后重,以患者不感到痛苦为宜;如属严重患者或远年旧患,随后再用棉花沾上少许药油,在外热水袋或毛巾敷上,加促血液循环,收效更加。儿童在使用本品前,应咨询中医师或医生意见,使用时避免触及眼睛及粘膜。
禁忌: 不能入眼、外用忌食,不可吸食。
注意事项: 用后如有不良反应或仍未见效,应立即停用并请教医生。两岁以下儿童,孕妇和授乳女仕须遵医生指示方可使用,避免儿童擅自取用。
贮藏方法: 请放置于避光处。
Chan Yat Hing Oil is a is a strong, penetrating liniment that moves stagnation of blood at the injury site.
Function: Expels wind-dampness from channels & muscles, relaxes the muscles, disperses phlegm, opens the orifices.
Warnings: • For external use only, avoid contact with the eyes. • Use only as directed. Keep out of reach of children. • If swallowed, get help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. • Discontinue use if and seek advice if condition worsens, symptoms persists for more than 7 days, symptoms clear up and occur again within a few days, or if excessive irritation of the skin develops.
Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s prescription.