Black Belt Male Female Back Vest Correct Corset Posture Bone Health Care Straightener New Fashion Device
Regain Confidence
Now, experience a more positive attitude and mood by simply maintaining an upright posture with the help of coorecter Posture brace!
This item is designed to help re-train your musculature so that your back can effortlessly maintain an upright position. The brace can help prevent forward bending, slouching, rounded shoulders and sideward bending of the spine.
Permanent Benefits
Improvements in posture can be seen in as quickly as a few weeks with daily use of the brace for one to three hours. Over time, you will build muscle memory and form a good habit. You can then stop using the brace (or at least use it less frequently) to encourage posture-strengthening muscles growth independently.
Highest Quality Material
This back support is made of soft, strong yet stretchy neoprene with punched holes, it is lined with cotton for comfort and fits discretely under clothing. Please be noted that a little discomfort at the beginning is normal for those who are accustomed to poor posture, but please stop using it if pain occurs.
For Both Men & Women
The brace can be adjusted to fit chest (circumference) size between 28 inch to 48 inch.