'益民堂‘ 肺宁颗粒 (10克/袋*10袋/盒)Feining Keli 肺内感染 清热祛痰 镇咳止喘 慢性支气管炎咳嗽
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【性状】 本品为黄棕色至棕褐色的颗粒,味甜,微苦。 【用法用量】开水冲服,一次10克,一日三次。 Legal Disclaimer Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented...
30 Pieces / Box Manyanshuning Yanyanpian Organic Chinese Herbal Medicine Tablet
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每盒30片 1盒装
Item: Manyanshuning Yanyanpian
Quantity/Box: 30 Pills
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Manyanshuning Yanyanpian
6 Boxes Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Keli 10 Bags/Box 同仁堂感冒清热颗粒
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6 Boxes Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Keli 12g x 10 Bags/Box同仁堂感冒清热颗粒
8 box Golden throat lozenge jin sang zi hou pian Honeysuckle Soothing Drop金嗓子喉宝
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8 Boxes Golden throat lozenge jin sang zi hou pian Honeysuckle Soothing Drop金嗓子 12...
8 boxes jin sang zi hou pian Organic honeysuckle soothing drop throat lozenge
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8 boxes jin sang zi hou pian honeysuckle soothing drop throat lozenge
Type Herbs
Features Natural,Organic
Country/Region of Manufacture China
jin sang zi hou pian honeysuckle soothing drop throat lozenge
Country/Region of Manufacture:China
Package include: 8boxes (12 tablets*8)
999感冒灵颗粒 999 Gan Mao Ling Ke Li (10g X 9 Bags) 4 Boxes
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4 Boxes 999 Gan Mao Ling, Cold Remedy Granular (10g X 9 Bags) Great for Cold Remedy. Cough, fever and pain relief. Herbal alternative medicine Easy to use instant dissolve granules Family Size - 4 Boxes Temporary relieves the...
999感冒灵颗粒999 Gan Mao Ling Ke Li Cold Remedy Granule China Medicine (10g X 9 Bags)
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Temporarily relieves the following symptoms associated with the common cold, hay fever, or other upper respiratory allergies Uses: Minor aches and pains; Headache; Itchy, watery eyes; Muscular aches; Sneezing; a Runny nose; a Sore throat; Itching of the nose or...
Anbang Yinhuang Qingfei Jiaonang 安邦银黄清肺胶囊
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每盒36粒 1盒装
Item: Anbang Yinhuang Qingfei Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 36 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Anbang Yinhuang Qingfei Jiaonang
Baiyunshan Kechuanshun Wan 白云山咳喘顺丸
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每盒60克 1盒装
Item: Baiyunshan Kechuanshun Wan
Quantity/Bag: 60g
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Bag of Baiyunshan Kechuanshun Wan
China Herb 白云山夏桑菊颗粒冲剂20袋 Herbal Xiasangju keli 风热感冒头痛咳嗽上呼吸道感染 Ganmao kesou
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from $32.46
China medicine 三九感冒灵颗粒 999 Cold Remedy Granular 10g X 9 Bags/box
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from $39.35
China medicine 同人泰桑菊感冒颗粒11g*10袋/盒 Herb Sangju ganmao keli 风热感冒头痛咳嗽上呼吸道感染
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from $28.52
Chinese Herb 济民可信金水宝胶囊108粒 补肾补肺止咳腰酸痛支气管炎虫草菌粉 Jimin jin shui bao capsule
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from $48.12
Chinese Herb 济民可信金水宝胶囊108粒 补肾补肺止咳腰酸痛支气管炎虫草菌粉 Jimin jin shui bao capsule
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Chinese Herb Jiminkexin jinshuibao capsul 108s/box
中国小吃海外购买中药 济民可信 金水宝胶囊 108粒/盒
Item Description:
Package Includes: 金水宝胶囊108粒/盒
Shelf Life:36 months
Production date: shown on the package
from $47.22
Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli 逢春玄麦甘桔颗粒
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每袋20小包 1袋装
Item: Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Quantity/Bag: 20 Small Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Bag of Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli 逢春玄麦甘桔颗粒
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每袋20小包 1袋装
Item: Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Quantity/Bag: 20 Small Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Bag of Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Foci Xiangsha Liujun Wan 佛慈香砂六君丸
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Foci Xiangsha Liujun Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Foci Xiangsha Liujun Wan
Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli 国金复方金银花颗粒
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
Huafen Yumei Keli 华芬愈美颗粒
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每盒12袋 1盒装
Item: Huafen Yumei Keli
Quantity/Box: 12 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Huafen Yumei Keli
Huasen Ganjie Bingmei Pian 华森甘桔冰梅片
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每盒36片 1盒装
Item: Huasen Ganjie Bingmei Pian
Net Weight/Box: 36 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Huasen Ganjie Bingmei Pian
Jiajin Keteling Pian 加劲咳特灵片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Jiajin Keteling Pian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jiajin Keteling Pian
Jianmin Yanhou Pian 健民咽喉片
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每盒16片 1盒装
Item: Jianmin Yanhou Pian
Quantity/Box: 16 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jianmin Yanhou Pian
Jinchen Huanglian Shangqing Jiaonang 金辰黄连上清胶囊
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每盒30粒 1盒装
Item: Jinchen Huanglian Shangqing Jiaonang
Net Weight/Box: 30 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jinchen Huanglian Shangqing Jiaonang
Kangmeishang Fufang Ganmaoling Keli 康美尚复方感冒灵颗粒
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每盒11袋 1盒装
Item: Kangmeishang Fufang Ganmaoling Keli
Quantity/Box: 11 Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Kangmeishang Fufang Ganmaoling Keli
Kunzhongyao Zhike Wan 昆中药止咳丸
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每盒36丸 1盒装
Item: Kunzhongyao Zhike Wan
Quantity/Box: 36 Tablets
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Kunzhongyao Zhike Wan
Laojunlu Gejie Dingchuan Wan 老君炉蛤蚧定喘丸
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每盒6袋 1盒装
Item: Laojunlu Gejie Dingchuan Wan
Quantity/Box: 6 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Laojunlu Gejie Dingchuan Wan
LOTUS Clear away the plague and detoxify cough acute respiratory release the lung and heat
from $10.98
1 Box
2 Boxes
3 Boxes
10 Boxes
LOTUS Clear away the plague and detoxify cough acute respiratory release the lung and heat
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Product description: (Copy Manual from the manufacturer) [Brand] YILING [Manufacturer] Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd [Name] Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonang [Ingredients] Weeping Forsythia Capsule, Japanese Honeysuckle Flower, Ephedra Herb(honey-fried), Bitter Apricot Seed(stir-baked), Gypsum, Isatis Root, Male Fern Rhizome, Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb,...
from $10.98
1 Box
2 Boxes
3 Boxes
10 Boxes
Sanjin Xiguashuang Runhou Pian 三金西瓜霜润喉片
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每盒36片 1盒装
Item: Sanjin Xiguashuang Runhou Pian
Quantity/Box: 36 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Sanjin Xiguashuang Runhou Pian
She dan chen pi san 蛇胆陈皮散 0.6g*10
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蛇胆陈皮散 产地: 中国 制造商: 中国广州白云山奇星药业有限公司 规格/净含量:每瓶装: 0.6g 主要成分: 蛇胆汁、陈皮。 功能主治:理气化痰,祛风和胃。用于痰多阻肺,胃失和降,咳嗽,呕逆。 用法用量: 口服,开水送服,每日2-3次,每次0.3g - 0.6g. 注意事项: 请将该产品放于儿童接触不到的地方。 suitable for symptoms such as weak phlegm in the lungs, colds and coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis coughs, lung heat and dry coughs,...
Shenqi Suketing Pipa Zhike Keli 神奇速可停枇杷止咳颗粒
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每盒15袋 1盒装
Item: Shenqi Suketing Pipa Zhike Keli
Quantity/Box: 15 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Shenqi Suketing Pipa Zhike Keli
Suzhong Qingxuan Zhike Keli 苏中清宣止咳颗粒
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每盒5袋 1盒装
Item: Suzhong Qingxuan Zhike Keli
Quantity/Box: 5 Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Suzhong Qingxuan Zhike Keli
Taiji Xuanmai Ganjie Keli 太极玄麦甘桔颗粒
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清热滋阴 祛痰利咽
每袋20小包 1袋装
Item: Taiji Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Quantity/Bag: 20 Small Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Bag of Taiji Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Tianshili Tankejing Diwan 天士力痰咳净滴丸
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每盒120丸 1盒装
Item: Tianshili Tankejing Diwan
Quantity/Box: 120 Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tianshili Tankejing Diwan
Tongrentang Chutan Zhisou Wan 同仁堂除痰止嗽丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Chutan Zhisou Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Chutan Zhisou Wan
Tongrentang Ermu Ningsou Wan 同仁堂二母宁嗽丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Ermu Ningsou Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Ermu Ningsou Wan
Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Keli 同仁堂感冒清热颗粒
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Keli
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Keli
Tongrentang Juhong Wan 同仁堂橘红丸
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每盒36克 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Juhong Wan
Net Weight/Box: 36g
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Juhong Wan
Tongrentang Juhong Wan 同仁堂橘红丸
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清肺 化痰 止咳
每盒36克 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Juhong Wan
Net Weight/Box: 36g
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Juhong Wan
Tongrentang Lingyang Ganmao Pian 同仁堂羚羊感冒片
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每盒30片 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Lingyang Ganmao Pian
Net Weight/Box: 30 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Lingyang Ganmao Pian
Tongrentang Shensu Wan 同仁堂参苏丸
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每盒6袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shensu Wan
Quantity/Box: 6 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shensu Wan
Tongrentang Tongxuan Lifei Wan 同仁堂通宣理肺丸
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解表散寒 宣肺止咳
每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Tongxuan Lifei Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Tongxuan Lifei Wan
Tongrentang Zhike Juhong Wan (6G X 10 Pills) 同仁堂止咳橘红丸
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Clearing lung-heat and mostening dryness,relieving cough and reducing phlegm.
For lung heat dry cough, sputum much,shortness of breath, mouth bitter and dry throat.
Yunfeng Jinpin Shangfengting Jiaonang 云丰金品伤风停胶囊
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每盒30粒 1盒装
Item: Yunfeng Jinpin Shangfengting Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 30 Capsules
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Yunfeng Jinpin Shangfengting Jiaonang
Yunkun Ganmao Xiaoyan Pian 云昆感冒消炎片
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每盒54片 1盒装
Item: Yunkun Ganmao Xiaoyan Pian
Quantity/Box: 54 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Yunkun Ganmao Xiaoyan Pian
万寿宫蛇胆川贝胶囊 Wanshougong Shedan Chuanbei Jiaonang
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每盒12粒 1盒装
Item: Wanshougong Shedan Chuanbei Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 12 Capsules
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Wanshougong Shedan Chuanbei Jiaonang
万通感通片 Wantong Gantong Pian
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每盒20片 1盒装
Item: Wantong Gantong Pian
Quantity/Box: 20 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Wantong Gantong Pian
万通桑菊感冒片 Wan Tong Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian Wantong Sangjuganmaopian
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Wantong Sangju Ganmao Pian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Wantong Sangju Ganmao Pian
万通肺宁颗粒 Wantong Feining Keli
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每盒9袋 1盒装
Item: Wantong Feining Keli
Quantity/Box: 9 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Wantong Feining Keli