1盒(60片/盒) 前列康 普乐安片Pu Le An Pian 男性早泄尿频尿急尿不尽夜尿增多排尿不畅尿道消炎药前列腺炎尿道感染
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尿不尽、尿滴沥 ; 肾气不固;腰膝酸软。
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Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
24pcs Prostatic Navel 100% Natural Herbs Plaster Medical Plaster Urological Patches Male Prostatic Treatment Health Care
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Scope of application: for pain caused by cervical pain, frozen shoulder, lumbar pain, knee joint and soft tissue injury. Precautions: The following conditions are disabled. Those who are allergic to this product, Skin ulcer, and wound, pregnant women, infant....
3 Packs BaiShiPills Skin Repigment TCM Therapy BAIYUNSHAN Vitiligo Treatment
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Vitiligo Treatment Natural Traditional Chinese Medicine Skin Repigmentation Therapy BaiShi Pills ( 30 g / pack ) ...
5boxes Yansuan Erjiashuanggua Huanshi Pian 0.5gx30Tablets/bottle 悦达宁 盐酸二甲双胍缓释片
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【适应症】 适用于单用饮食和运动治疗不能获良好控制的2型糖尿病患者。本品可单独用药,也可与磺酰脲类或胰岛素合用。 【用法用量】 口服,进餐时或餐后服。开始用量通常为一次1片(500mg),一日1次,晚餐时服用,根据血糖和尿糖调整用量,一日最大剂量不超过4片(2000mg)。如果一次4片(2000mg)不能达到满意的疗效,可改为一次2片(1000mg),一日2次。本品应整片吞服,禁止嚼碎。 【有效期】 30个月 [indications] It is suitable for patients with type 2 diabetes who can not be well controlled by diet and exercise therapy. This product can be used alone or in combination with...
6 Boxes TongRenTang Kunbao Wan 同仁堂 坤宝丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Kunbao Wan 同仁堂 坤宝丸 【组方/成份】 酒女贞子、覆盆子、菟丝子、枸杞子、制何首乌、龟甲、地骨皮、南沙参、麦冬、炒酸枣仁、地黄、白芍、赤芍、当归、鸡血藤、珍珠母、石斛、菊花、墨旱莲、桑叶、白薇、知母、黄芩。辅料为赋形剂蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 滋补肝肾,镇静安神,养血通络。用于妇女绝经前后,肝肾阴虚引起的月经紊乱,潮热多汗,失眠健忘,心烦易怒,头晕耳鸣,咽干口渴,四肢酸楚,关节疼痛。 【用法用量】 口服。一次50丸,一日2次。 【有效期】 48个月 [formula / composition] Brevet, raspberry, dodder, medlar, prepared Polygonum multiflorum, tortoise shell, Rehmannia glutinosa, Nansha ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, fried sour...
6 Boxes TongRenTang Qiju Dihuang Wan 同仁堂 杞菊地黄丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Qiju Dihuang Wan 同仁堂 杞菊地黄丸 【成分】枸杞子、菊花、熟地黄、牡丹皮、山药、茯苓、泽泻。辅料为蜂蜜。 【性状】本品为黑褐色的大蜜丸每丸重9克 【功能主治】滋肾养肝。用于肝肾阴亏,眩晕耳鸣,羞明畏光,迎风流泪,视物昏花 【用法用量】口服。大蜜丸一次1丸,一日2次。 【有效期】60个月 [ingredients] Lycium barbarum, chrysanthemum, Rehmannia glutinosa, peony bark, yam, Poria cocos, Alisma orientalis. The auxiliary material is honey. 【 description 】 this product is a dark...
6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Hewei Wan 同仁堂 舒肝和胃丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Hewei Wan 同仁堂 舒肝和胃丸 【组方/成份】 醋香附、白芍、佛手、木香、郁金、炒白术、陈皮、柴胡、广藿香、炙甘草、莱菔子、焦槟榔、乌药。辅料为蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 舒肝解郁,和胃止痛。用于肝胃不和,两胁胀满,胃脘疼痛,食欲不振,呃逆呕吐,大便失调。 【用法用量】 口服。大蜜丸一次2丸,一日2次。 【有效期】 36个月 [formula / composition] Vinegar Cyperus, white peony, bergamot, wood incense, tulip, fried Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, bupleurum, patchouli, roasted...
6 Boxes TongRenTang Tianma Wan 6gx10Pills/Box 同仁堂 天麻丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Tianma Wan 6gx10Pills/Box 同仁堂 天麻丸 【组方/成份】 天麻、羌活、独活、盐杜仲、牛膝、粉萆薢、附子(制)、当归、地黄、玄参。 【功能与主治】 祛风除湿,通络止痛,补益肝肾。用于风湿瘀阻,肝肾不足所致的痹病,症见肢体拘挛,手足麻木,腰腿痠痛。 【用法用量】 口服。一次6g,一日2~3次。 【有效期】 48个月 [formula / composition] Gastrodia elata, notopterygium notopterygium, Angelica pubescens, Eucommia ulmoides, Achyranthes bidentata, radix rehmanniae, Radix Scrophulariae. [function and...
6g*12 Bags Tongrentang Longdan Xiegan Wan Organic Healthy Herbal Pill Liver Care
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每盒12袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Longdan Xiegan Wan
Quantity/Box: 12 Bag
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Longdan Xiegan Wan
Chronic Hepatitis,Early Hepatic Cirrhosis/Liver-Protecting Tablets/Hu Gan Pian
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Chronic Hepatitis,Early Hepatic Cirrhosis/Liver-Protecting Tablets/Hu Gan Pian 【药品名称】通用名称:护肝片 汉语拼音: Hugan Pian 【成份】柴胡、茵陈、板蓝根、五味子、猪胆粉、绿豆 【性状】本品为糖衣片,除去包衣后显棕色至褐色:味苦 【功能主治】疏肝理气,健脾消食。具有降低转氨酶作用。用于慢性肝炎及早期肝硬化 【规格】糖衣片(片心重0.35g) 【用法用量】口服。一次4片,ー一日3次 【贮藏】密封装】塑料瓶装,每瓶100片 【有效期】24个月 General name: Hugan tablet Chinese Pinyin: Hugan Pian [ingredients] Radix Bupleuri, Herba Artemisiae Scopariae, Radix Isatidis, Fructus Schisandrae, pig bile powder...
from $11.80
Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan 广育堂舒肝平胃丸
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Item: Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan
Quantity/Box: 8 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan
Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan 广育堂舒肝平胃丸
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疏肝和胃 化湿导滞
Item: Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan
Quantity/Box: 8 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Guangyutang Shugan Pingwei Wan
Pu Le An/Qian Lie Kang Tablet For prostate health 60 Tablets/Box 前列康 普樂安片 用于前列腺炎
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Pu Le An/Qian Lie Kang Tablet For prostate health 60Tablets/Box 前列康 普樂安片 用于前列腺炎 Description 【Product Name】Pu Le An Tablets(Qian Lie Kang) 【Chinese Name】普乐安片(前列康) 【Ingredients】Rape pollen, etc. 【Functional indications】 Tonifying the kidney and strengthening the foundation, it is used for...
from $15.62
Sanjin Sanjinpian 三金三金片
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每盒54片 1盒装
Item: Sanjin Sanjin Pian
Quantity/Box: 54 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Sanjin Sanjin Pian
Sanjin Xuanyunning Pian 三金眩晕宁片
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每盒36片 1盒装
Item: Sanjin Xuanyunning Pian
Quantity/Box: 36 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Sanjin Xuanyunning Pian
Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan 同仁堂明目地黄丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan 同仁堂明目地黄丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan 同仁堂石斛夜光丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
Net Weight/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
YNBY Xiaochaihu Keli 云南白药云丰小柴胡颗粒
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Ynby Xiaochaihu Keli
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Ynby Xiaochaihu Keli
三九气滞胃痛颗粒 疏肝理气 和胃止痛 999 Qi Zhi Wei Tong Ke Li Chinese Herb
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每盒9袋 1盒装
Item: Sanjiu Qizhi Weitong Keli
Quantity/Box: 9 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of 999 Sanjiu Qizhi Weitong Keli
九芝堂逍遥丸 Jiuzhitang Xiaoyao Wan
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Jiuzhitang Xiaoyao Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jiuzhitang Xiaoyao Wan
仲景杞菊地黄丸 Zhongjing Qiju Dihuang Wan
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Zhongjing Qiju Dihuang Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Zhongjing Qiju Dihuang Wan
仲景逍遥丸 zhongjing xiaoyaowan 200粒
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Zhongjing Xiaoyao Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Zhongjing Xiaoyao Wan
佛慈明目地黄丸 Foci Mingmu Dihuang Wan
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Foci Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Foci Mingmu Dihuang Wan
北京同仁堂黄芪片 家中常备滋补 Tongrentang Astragalus Slices Chinese Herb 120g
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繁忙生活 更有底气
净含量120克 1瓶装
Item: Tongrentang Astragalus Slices
Net Weight/Bottle: 120g
Shelf Life: 730 Days
Package Included: 1 Bottle Tongrentang Astragalus Slices
同仁堂 明目地黄丸 6盒 TongRenTang Mingmu dihuang Wan 30g/Box
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Mingmu dihuang Wan 30g/Box 同仁堂 明目地黄丸 【组方/成份】 熟地黄、酒萸肉、牡丹皮、山药、茯苓、泽泻、枸杞子、菊花、当归、白芍、蒺藜、煅石决明。辅料为赋形剂蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 滋肾,养肝,明目。用于肝肾阴虚,目涩畏光,视物模糊,迎风流泪。 【用法用量】 口服。一次6克,一日2次。 【有效期】 48个月 [formula / composition] Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis, peony bark, yam, Poria cocos, Alisma orientalis, medlar, chrysanthemum, angelica, white...
同仁堂 杞菊地黄丸 6 Boxes TongRenTang Qiju Dihuang Wan 120Pills/Box
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Qiju Dihuang Wan 120Pills/Box 同仁堂 杞菊地黄丸 【组方/成份】 枸杞子、菊花、熟地黄、酒萸肉、牡丹皮、山药、茯苓、泽泻。 【功能与主治】 滋肾养肝。用于肝肾阴亏的眩晕、耳鸣、目涩畏光、视物昏花。 【用法用量】 口服。一次8丸,一日3次。 【药物相互作用】 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 【有效期】 48个月 [formula / composition] Medlar, chrysanthemum, Rehmannia glutinosa, wine Cornus meat, peony bark, yam, Poria cocos,...
同仁堂 舒肝丸 6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Wan
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Wan 同仁堂 舒肝丸 【组方/成份】 川楝子、醋延胡索、白芍(酒炒)、片姜黄、木香、沉香、豆蔻仁、砂仁、姜厚朴、陈皮、枳壳(炒)、茯苓、朱砂。 【功能与主治】 舒肝和胃,理气止痛。用于肝郁气滞,胸胁胀满,胃脘疼痛,嘈杂呕吐,嗳气泛酸。 【用法用量】 口服。一次1丸,一日2~3次。 【有效期】 60个月 [formula / composition] Melia azedarach, Rhizoma Corydalis with vinegar, radix paeoniae alba (fried with wine), slices of turmeric, wood fragrance,...
同仁堂 舒肝和胃丸 6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Hewei Wan 180Pills/Box
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Shugan Hewei Wan 180Pills/Box 同仁堂 舒肝和胃丸 【组方/成份】 醋香附、白芍、佛手、木香、郁金、炒白术、陈皮、柴胡、广藿香、炙甘草、莱菔子、焦槟榔、乌药。辅料为炼蜜。 【功能与主治】 舒肝解郁,和胃止痛。用于肝胃不和,两胁胀满,胃脘疼痛,食欲不振,呃逆呕吐,大便失调。 【用法用量】 口服。水蜜丸一次45丸(9克),一日2次。 【有效期】 48个月 [formula / composition] Vinegar Cyperus, white peony, bergamot, wood incense, tulip, fried Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, bupleurum, patchouli,...
同仁堂 黄连羊肝丸 6 Boxes TongRenTang Huanglian Yanggan Wan 9gx10片/盒
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Huanglian Yanggan Wan 9gx10Pills/Box 同仁堂 黄连羊肝丸 【组方/成份】 黄连、胡黄连、黄芩、黄柏、龙胆、柴胡、醋青皮、木贼、密蒙花、茺蔚子、炒决明子、石决明(煅)、夜明砂、鲜羊肝。辅料为赋形剂蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 泻火明目。用于肝火旺盛,目赤肿痛,视物昏暗,羞明流泪。 【用法用量】 口服,一次1丸,一日1~2次。 【有效期】 60个月...
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan
同仁堂加味逍遥丸 Tongrentong Jiaweiwan 10*6g
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同仁堂加味逍遥丸 疏肝清热 健脾养血 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期48个月 [formula / ingredients] Radix Bupleuri, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (stir fried with bran), Poria cocos, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Cortex Moutan, Fructus Gardeniae (stir fried with bran), mint. The auxiliary material...
同仁堂坤宝丸20袋/盒装 Tongrentang Kun Bao Wan Tongrentang Kunbaowan 20 Bags
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每盒20袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Kunbao Wan
Quantity/Box: 20 Bags // 10 bags X 2
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Kunbao Wan
同仁堂导赤丸 Tongrentang Daochi Wan
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Daochi Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Daochi Wan
同仁堂归芍地黄丸9g*10丸/盒 2盒 Gui shao dihuang wan
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品牌: 同仁堂
产品: 归芍地黄丸
规格: 9g*10丸/盒
保质期:60 months
同仁堂明目地黄丸 mingmu dihuang WAN 10丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Mingmu Dihuang Wan
同仁堂牛黄降压丸 6盒 TongRenTang Niuhuang Jiangya Wan
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Niuhuang Jiangya Wan 同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 【组方/成份】 羚羊角、珍珠、水牛角浓缩粉、人工牛黄、冰片、白芍、党参、黄芪、决明子、川芎、黄芩提取物、甘松、薄荷、郁金。辅料为蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 清心化痰,平肝安神。用于心肝火旺、痰热壅盛所致的头晕目眩、头痛失眠、烦躁不安;高血压病见上述证候者。 【用法用量】 口服。大蜜丸一次1-2丸,一日1次。 【有效期】 60个月...
同仁堂石斛夜光丸 滋阴补肾清肝明目 Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
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滋阴补肾 清肝明目
每盒29.2g 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
Net Weight/Box: 29.2g
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
同仁堂石斛夜光丸滋阴补肾清肝明目Tongrentang Shi Hu Ye Guang Wan Zi Yin Bu Shen
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
Net Weight/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shihu Yeguang Wan
同仁堂舒肝和胃丸 Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan Big Pills
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同仁堂舒肝和胃丸 大蜜丸
舒肝解郁 和胃止痛
每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan
同仁堂舒肝和胃丸 Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan Big Pills
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同仁堂舒肝和胃丸 大蜜丸
每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Hewei Wan
同仁堂舒肝止痛丸 Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
同仁堂舒肝止痛丸 Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
同仁堂舒肝止痛丸 Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
同仁堂舒肝止痛丸同仁堂 shugan ZHITONG wan-
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Shugan Zhitong Wan